Sunday, June 22, 2014

What a differnce a day makes 🎢

Today is 5 days since Nicole transplant.  They refer to it as day +5.  I'll start with day +4 (yesterday); Nicole started to really throw up.  They added another anti-nausea medicine.  She gets something every 2 hours to help with the nausea.  They stopped giving feeds to her.  Right now she is only on IV fluids.   Even though she wasn't feeling well she stilled felt like playing.

She wouldn't put her pants on so we put them on her head

Playing with some glow sticks last night

Day +5 is another story.  Nicole had a rough night and it's continuing into the day.  They put her on a PCA (continuous morphine pump) They will also start IV nutrition tonight.  She is also on blow-by oxygen.  What a difference a day makes  😢

One of the blessings of being at Primaries is Sunday.  The Branch President has so much love for each one of us.  You can feel his love and you know that you could always call him if you need anything.  The young married couples who help with the sacrament and come to give Nicole a little nursery lessons always bring the spirit with them.  With Nicole being so uncomfortable today you could see in these young couples the love they have for the children here.  As the young women came in to give Nicole her Nursery lesson Nicole was not going to have any of it.  They wanted to still try to give her a lesson away. They know that our Father in Heaven wants the children to feel of His love for them, no matter how young.  Once they started to talk Nicole clamed down and listened.  When they finished up and started with prayer she got fussy again.  Then the young men came to give us the sacrament.  Again Nicole was grumpy.  But once they started with the sacrament prayer she laid her head on my shoulders and was quiet.  I have gained a stronger testimony of the sacrament and the strength it brings to help me to endure the week ahead. Elder Robert D. Hales said:  "I testify that the sacrament gives us an opportunity to come to ourselves and experience “a mighty change” of heart5—to remember who we are and what we most desire. As we renew the covenant to keep the commandments, we obtain the companionship of the Holy Ghost to lead us back into our Heavenly Father’s presence." (-conference/2012/04/coming-to-ourselves-the-sacrament-the-temple-and-sacrifice-in-service?lang=eng&query=blessings+of+the+sacra grateful I am that there is a branch here at Primaries to help us renew our covenants each week; that I can experience "a mighty change of heart", remember who I am, and for the blessing of the companionship of the Holy Ghost.  The gospel is true.  No matter where you may be the Lord has servants who have watch care over you, to strengthen you and to remind you that you are not alone.

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