Friday, June 20, 2014


It's been three days since Nicole's bone marrow transplant.  She's been doing pretty well.  She is tired but happy.  She has also started to throw up her oral meds so they switched all but one to be an IV medication for her.  She also has diarrhea and she is getting some mucus in them.  That means she is getting mucositis.  It won't be long before she will have sores in her mouth.  (mucositis is the painful inflammation and ulceration of the mucous membranes lining the digestive tract caused by the chemo she had).  Mucositis is painful and she will be probably be on some pain meds before long. 

James has recovered well from the bone marrow harvest.  He's been a little tired the past couple days, but otherwise is doing fine, and glad he doesn't have to give himself shots or get needles poked into his arms.  His neck is healing well from where they put the line in.

One of the blessing of being here at Primaries Children is watching other cancer kids support one another. I have personally received such love for other patients and I watch other children support one another.  Even though they are going through hard things they will look for ways to lift someone else. 

Sister Margaret D. Nadauld, a former General Young Women President said: "Might we all be lifted, helped, even carried at times by our beloved Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. He feels what we feel; He knows our heart. It was His mission to wipe away our tears, cleanse our wounds, and bless us with His healing power. He can carry us home to our Heavenly Father with the strength of His matchless love." ( love this quote.  Our Savior does lift us!  He does wipe away our tears! He does cleanse our wounds! As President Kimball taught: "God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs." (

Lord, I would Follow Thee

1. Savior, may I learn to love thee,
Walk the path that thou hast shown,
Pause to help and lift another,
Finding strength beyond my own.
Savior, may I learn to love thee--
Lord, I would follow thee.
2. Who am I to judge another
When I walk imperfectly?
In the quiet heart is hidden
Sorrow that the eye can't see.
Who am I to judge another?
3. I would be my brother's keeper;
I would learn the healer's art.
To the wounded and the weary
I would show a gentle heart.
I would be my brother's keeper--
4. Savior, may I love my brother
As I know thou lovest me,
Find in thee my strength, my beacon,
For thy servant I would be.
Savior, may I love my brother--

Thank you for all your small acts of kindness and prayers for our family♥

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