Monday, June 9, 2014

Mother, you are there

Nicole has had a lot of energy during this time.  I know that the chemo will catch up with her soon.  But for now we are enjoying our time together playing.  Thank you for all your support, love and prayers.  I know that they are lifting us during this journey we are on.

giving our ponies a bath:)

Laura's face paint from the telethon

Nicole sucking her belly in and out
Every time I leave the hospital to go home my heart breaks a little. My car has known a few tears. (I tell the nurses that my car knows all my secrets;))  I know that she is safe with her dad.  I know that he takes great care of her.  I also know that the nurses watch out for Nicole.  As a mother you just want to be at the hospital with your child but you also want to be home with you other children. I wish I had words to explain. But I just don't. It didn't help that when we skyped for family home evening Nicole was upset that I was on the computer and not in her room.  I think she knows that when either her dad and I are on the computer means we are home.   I just keep waiting for my super cape to arrive from amazon but it is lost in the mail or something.  (I can't be super serious)

"No love in all the world can equal the love of a true mother. … I have felt sometimes, how could even the Father love his children more than my mother loved her children? It was life to me; it was strength; it was encouragement; it was love that begat love or liking in myself. I knew she loved me with all her heart. She loved her children with all her soul. She would toil and labor and sacrifice herself day and night, for the temporal comforts and blessings that she could meagerly give, through the results of her own labors, to her children. There was no sacrifice of self—of her own time, of her leisure or pleasure, or opportunities for rest—that was considered for a moment, when it was compared with her duty and her love to her children."

Here are some words to a song that I found on  I don't play the piano or sing.  I don't how the song goes.  But I loved the words♥

Mother, You Are There

Children:  When I left my home in heaven, and I came to earth to live,
Mother, you were waiting for me, arms wide open, love to give.
There are lessons you can teach me, and some happy times to share.
When I need a star to guide me Mother, Mother you are there.

Mother:  When you left your home in heaven, you had things to teach me too,
Patience, caring, lessons in love trust and joy I learned from you.
I will live a little better.  I will walk with greater care.
Knowing that your trusting footsteps follow, knowing you are there.

Children:  When I take a step and stumble, dearest Mother you are there.
I can see the hurt in your eyes, and I know how much you care.
When it’s dark and I am frightened, teach me how to say a prayer.
When I need a star to guide me Mother, Mother you are there.

Mother & Children:  I can always find a star to guide me, knowing you are there.

I don't know when this song was submitted but here is the other link to find the sheet music.

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