Sunday, June 29, 2014

Sacrament, Nursery, and feeling better:)

This morning Nicole started her day with getting platelets.  She has been happy most of the day.  It's been so nice to see her happy. 

Her red eye isn't look better.  That will take some time to heal.

Again the sacrament was brought in for us.  What a blessing this is our lives.  The young man who brought it today also had a child with cancer.  He remembered us from when we were here when Nicole was first diagnosed.  He brought such a spirit with him.  When I expressed gratitude for coming and providing me with the sacrament.  With tears in his eyes he said that he remembers what a strength and healing this was each week for him. 
After we received the sacred ordinance of the sacrament the sweet young women came in to give Nicole her nursery lessons.  Again, what a sweet spirit they brought into our room.  It was cute to watch them interact with Nicole and to hear Nicole talk with them.  They talked about how we need family.  How moms and dad teach things we need to know.  As they were teaching, something President Hinckley said kept coming back into my mind. "Now there appears to be a growing tendency to schedule other events on Monday night. We respectfully request that our public school officials and others let us have this one evening a week to carry forward this important and traditional program. We ask that they not schedule events that will require the time of children on Monday evenings. We are confident that they will realize that it is most important that families have the opportunity, at least once a week, to be together without conflicting loyalties. We shall be grateful indeed if they will cooperate in this matter. And we urge, in the strongest terms possible, that fathers and mothers regard most seriously this opportunity and challenge to make of Monday evening a time sacred to the family.
I have received not a few invitations to participate in community Monday gatherings of one kind or another. I have uniformly turned down these invitations with appreciation, but with the explanation that I have reserved Monday as family home evening time. I earnestly hope that each of you will do the same." (
I am so grateful for the doctrine of families and for the program of family home evening.  Life is about family!  As we watch our little Nicole literally fighting for her life right now, everything else becomes trivial.  If everything goes well, then Nicole still won't be home, in Hyrum, for another 88 days.  Our family is still divided in many directions for awhile.  For now we will continue to Skype our family prayers, family scripture study and family home evening (and cherish the moments we spend together in Nicole hospital room).  It isn't the same as sitting around our living room. However, we are blessed to live in a time where we have the technology to stay connected. 

1 comment:

  1. Miss Nicole's eyes look like McKay's when he has his surgery's. Thank you for posting new beautiful pictures of Nicole and telling us how she is doing (along with the family!) My kids ask daily how she is doing and love to look at her pictures. Your words are beautiful, Cathy. I love reading the church leaders quotes you know so well.

    Much Love,
