Friday, April 25, 2014


We are finally home:) I was too optimistic to think we would get a three week break.

They replaced Nicole's central on Thursday.  The surgeon didn't have any trouble getting the line in.   Placing a 6th line is a little tricky; but, she said she got in on her first try.  What a blessing.

This week in the hospital was truly a learning experience for me.  Many thoughts and emotions.  At first we would be able to keep the line and be able to go home.  However, when they talked with the Bone Marrow Drs. they wanted the line pulled so Nicole would have a perfectly healthy line for her transplant.   In my gut I already knew this; I know a little how bone marrow doctors think. 

I have had a yo-yo week.  We had the "your keeping her central line" to "nope it needs to be pulled out".  Then we were told that Nicole would start radiation on May 1.   Then as I was leaving Primary children to come home I was told that she was starting radiation on Monday April 28.  Now they just called and said we are starting radiation on May 5th.  We were also told that she would have 5 days of radiation and now Nicole will have 11 days of very low radiation. (remember we are living a yo-yo life and this can change tomorrow:))

Monday was a rough day for me.  James is on a business trip my girls are in Hyrum flying on their own.  I just felt overwhelmed.  My thoughts turned to my childhood and how much I missed my "priesthood dad" How grateful I am for the neighborhood I grew up.  I felt my Heavenly Father love that He has for me.  I know that when Heavenly Father sent me here to mortality He said-you will be sent to a good home but the fullness of the gospel will not be there.  However, you will be blessed to live in a neighborhood who will love and teach you.  How grateful I am for that!! Elder Scott taught " Reach out to those living in adverse circumstances. Be a true friend. This kind of enduring friendship is like asphalt that fills the potholes of life and makes the journey smoother and more pleasant. It should not be a resource used to gain personal advantage but a treasure to be appreciated and shared. Welcome into your home others who need to be strengthened by such an experience."  My childhood neighbors still came/come to my rescue to fill in my "potholes"-Including their grandchildren;)

I am also grateful for the neighborhood my kids are growing up in.  So many in our neighborhood who are also filling in the "potholes" of our life.  “God does watch over us and does notice us, but it usually through someone else that he meets our needs.”
Spencer W. Kimball

While I was at primaries this week I reviewed a talk by Elder Holland "Lessons from Liberty Jail".  I am no way near like the Prophet Joseph Smith; but how often do we turn to Doctrine and Covenants 121,122 and 123 when we going through hard times. "What a scriptural gift" (Elder Holland)  How often have we felt in a small portion like the Prophet did in Liberty Jail.  Elder Holland taught:
"remember these first two truths taught to Joseph in that prison-temple. First, God has not forgotten you, and second, the Savior has been where you have been, allowing Him to provide for your deliverance and your comfort."
This truth Joseph taught for us all in his "prison-temple"

I know this is a long post.  I truly had a "temple" learning experience week.  Too much to really share.  I testify that what the Lord taught the Prophet Joseph Smith in his "Prison-temple" is true.

This is how Nicole comes out of surgery.  Like Joseph Smith taught in D&C 123:17 "let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed."

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