Friday, May 23, 2014

Pre-preparation for bone marrow transplant

Nicole started her day today with her 10th radiation treatment.  She only has one left on next Tuesday.  :)  Yesterday, we met James at PCMC for clinic to start their preparation for "their" bone marrow transplant.  Nicole went to audiology for a hearing test.  After that both her and James went to clinic for blood draws.  We also had some instruction from the nurse for the do's and don't of staying in the hospital after transplant.  James and Nicole both needed an EKG and chest x-rays.  When that part was finished James headed upstairs to get some training on being the donor while Nicole and I stayed downstairs for an Echo.  It was another long day in clinic, but productive. 

I am excited that we can be home again this weekend.  I feel like I have one foot in Salt Lake and the other foot in Hyrum.  Sometimes it starts to feel overwhelming.  I am reading the biography of Elder Eyering.  I just read the part where he was called as a bishop.  In it they quote "There will be times when you will feel overwhelmed. One of the ways you will be attacked is with the feeling that you are inadequate. Well, you are inadequate to answer a call to represent God with only your own powers. But you have access to more than your natural capacities, and you do not work alone." (ensign May 2002, Rise to Your Call) I know that this talk is mostly about being called to serve in church callings.  But I thought also of my calling as a mother.  Mothers are doing the Lord's work!!  At this time with Nicole preparing for her 2nd transplant, I am very aware of what it entails.  I know the long days and even longer nights.  I know the worry of every little thing.  I know how much this effects my others kids.  But I also know the Lord is on my side and my family side.  Joshua 1:Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest."
Thanks go to Marie Owns for doing these pictures of Nicole and family:)



  1. thanks for sharing those beautiful pictures of your sweet family! the girls are gorgeous, with and without hair!! We hope all goes well with Nicole's transplant.

    Much love

  2. Cathy....I love what you said about being called to be a mother! You are amazing and I'm so inspired by your words and example. I just adore you & your family!
    Ann Marie
