Meet Nicole!

{If you would like to read about Nicole's cancer cases, I recommend starting here!}

Nicole is the piece our family didn't know was missing.

Nicole is smiling through suffering. Holding your finger tight and looking right at you with this expression on her too pale little face as if to say, "It's ok. I know Jesus is with me."

Nicole is the baby who defied all odds. The baby with nine lives. The baby who glared at nurses when she knew they were going to put the feeding tube back in after she worked so hard to yank it out. The baby who wouldn't let anyone take her binky away. The baby who kept fighting because she wasn't about to let some abnormal blood cells keep her from rocking our world.

Nicole is sunshine and laughter. She's finding a way to be strong.

Nicole is the best aunt any little guy could ever want.

Nicole has leukemia again. She's living at PCMC and enduring treatments. Cancer has controlled the majority of her young life, but cancer isn't who she is.

She is Nicole, the bravest little warrior I have ever met.

She is the angel sent to bless our family beyond measure.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful little girl you have. I will remember her in my prayers.
